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The Speedy Plate

The speedy plate is a safe, nonabrasive way to clean gold, silver, silver plated pieces, brass, copper and precious stones.  It will remove tarnish in seconds.  If you need to clean lots of jewelry, this is the perfect way to do it.  Turn all of your tarnished goods immediately into sellable pieces.  It is well worth the investment.  We are out of stock on the large plate and only have the small plates left in stock.  These small plates measure 2" x 2" and are $7.95.

Small - $7.95



Large Plate out of stock


People ask what is it, how does it work, and is it safe to use on jewelry.  To put your mind at rest, this method has been used throughout the world by museums and antique dealers to clean the most priceless and delicate objects for over 50 years.  The alternatives that most people quite happily use, namely acids and abrasives, gradually destroy the articles being cleaned.  Experts can not afford to let this happen to priceless antiques.  Can you afford not to change to "Speedy Plate."


How It Works

The metallic plate works 3 ways:
1)    By producing hydrogen.
2)    By being only strong enough to remove the soft ions of sulphur, and
3)    By having an electrolytic action to draw dirt onto the plate and not onto your hands.

How To Use It

1)    Use steel wool to remove film from plate before first use.  Important:  Rub plate hard and make sure the steel wool scratches the plate.

2)    Prepare pieces to be cleaned by removing wax and other solid matter.  Pieces being cleaned with "The Speedy Plate" should be washed first in hot, sudsy water.

3)    Choose a suitable glass or plastic container.  A glass baking dish will do for small objects, whereas a plastic bucket will work well for a candelabra.

4)    Add 4 tablespoons of Household Washing Soda into the pan for each quart of hot water (sometimes the hotter the better - just to boiling) required to cover the articles to be cleaned.  For very large items increase the amount of soda solution by a ratio of 2 tablespoons of soda per quart of hot water.  Do not use baking soda.  Arm and Hammer makes washing soda and it can be found in the grocery store in the laundry detergent section.  Not all grocery stores carry it, but Harris Teeter on the east coast does carry it.

5)    Lay "The Speedy Plate" flat in your container.  Be sure that you mix your water and washing soda before putting your plate in the container.  Otherwise, you will be coating your plate with the washing soda and it will not work as well. 

6)    Place articles to be cleaned on the plate and submerge.  Large articles can be cleaned by partial immersion and must be in contact with the plate or other articles touching the plate.  Lift, rotate, and re-immerse until all areas have been cleaned.  Use a soft brush to remove the build-up of old cleaners and tarnish from the crevices.  Note:  In areas where tap water contains a high sulphur or iron concentrate, mineral or distilled water should be used.  Silver and silver plate should be cleaned separately from other metals.  Enameled pieces, pearls and opals should not immerse in water.

7)    Because it is not an acid or an abrasive there is no set cleaning time.  Approximately 30 seconds is required for jewelry and 1 to 2 minutes for large items.

Heavily tarnished pieces may need to have this process repeated.  Stubborn stains may require the use of a toothbrush.

This cleaning process will only work while the water is hot.  When the water goes cold, the plate ceases to work.

9)    Remove articles, rinse in water and polish with a dry cloth.  Any remaining dirt will be removed by the wiping process.

This unique cleaning process uses hydrogen bubbles to penetrate in the tiniest crevices of the finest items to remove all dirt and residue left by other cleaners.

10)  Grime and Grease form a coating over really neglected pieces.  Cleaning with the "Speedy Plate" will loosen this, so that they wipe away.  However, severe cases may require several repeated dippings for the "Speedy Plate" to remove all the built-up tarnish.

Care of the Plate

As the electrolytic actions draws dirt onto the plate, the dirt builds up and must be removed by periodically washing the plate in water and drying with a cloth.  Failure to clean the plate properly will cause a build up of dirt which can be removed with steel wool to restore the plate's efficiency.  Store the plate between uses in a clean wrapper.





Please note throughout the site that gram weights and measurements are approximate. 
If you need to know in inches the size of a piece of jewelry, click here - Millimeters to Inches